Establishment of council |
3. |
(1) |
The State Government shall, as soon as may be, establish, by notification, a paramedical council with effect from such date as may be specified therein.
(2) |
'Me Council shall be a body corporate by the name of the Madhya Pradesh Paramedical Services & Education Council, and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal with power to acquire and hold, property both movable and immovable and subject to the provisions made under this Act, to transfer any held by it and to contract and to do all other thing necessary for the purposes of its constitution and may sue and be sued in its corporate name.
Constitution of council |
4. |
(1) |
All Council shall consist of the following members, namely:-
A-Ex-officio |
(i) |
Hon. Minister for Medical Education.
(ii) |
Director Medical Education, Madhya Pradesh.
(iii) |
Director Health Services, Madhya Pradesh.
(iv) |
Director Indian System of Medicine & Homoeopathy, Madhya Pradesh.
(v) |
Chairman of the Vyavasayik Pariksha Mandal Madhya Pradesh or his nominee not below the rank of Controller.
B-Nominated Members |
(vi) |
One Dean of State or Autonomous Medical College.
(vii) |
One Principal of State or Autonomous Ayurvedic College.
(viii) |
One Professor of Orthopaedics of Government or Autonomous Medical College or Principal of Autonomous College of Physiotherapy.
(ix) |
One Professor and Head of Department of State or Autonomous Medical College in which the course in Allied Health subject is run.
(x) |
One Professor and Head of Department of State or Autonomous Ayurvedic or Hornoepathy or Unani College in which any Allied Health subject is run.
C-Elected Members |
(xi) |
Five members to be elected from amongst themselves by the registered Allied Health & Education Practitioners in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations: Provided that in the case of constitution of the Council for the first time after the commencement of this Act the members under this category shall be nominated by the State Government.
(2) |
The member under clause (vi) to (x) of sub-section (1) shall he nominated by the State Government.
(3) |
No person shall at the same lime serve as a member in more than one capacity
(4) |
All name of every person ex-officio, nominated or elected under sub-section (1) shall be notified in the Gazette.
Disqualifications |
5. |
(1) |
A person shall not be qualified for being nominated or elected as a member of the for membership. Council, if-
(a) |
he is not a citizen of India; or
(b) |
he is an undischarged insolvent; or
(c) |
he is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court; or
(d) |
he has been sentenced for in offence involving moral turpitude; or
(e) |
he is an employee of the Council and is remunerated by salary or honorarium; or
(f) |
his name has been removed form the State Register, or from the register of registered medical or paramedical practitioner under any Act for the time being in force.
Term of office of nominated member of council and nominee |
6. |
(1) |
Save as otherwise provided in this Act, elected members shall hold office for a term of five years from the date of first meeting of Council Provided that the members nominated under proviso to clause (xi) of sub-section (1) of section 4 shall hold office till the elected members have entered their offices, and the members so elected shall continue in the office for the unexpired term of nominated members under clauses (vi) to (x) of sub-section (1) of Section 4.
(2) |
The nominee of the Chairman of the Vyavasayik Pariksha Mandal, Madhya Pradesh, shall hold office of member of the Council during the pleasure of the aforesaid Chairman.
(3) |
Notwithstanding the expiration of the term specified under sub-section (1) the outgoing member shall continue in office till the nomination or election, as the case may be, of his successor.
Resignation by nominated or elected member.
7. |
The nominated or elected member of the Council may at any time resign ftom his ofifice in such manner as may be prescribed by the regulations.
8. |
(1) |
If any member other than ex-officio member of the Council, during the period of his office
(a) |
absents himself from three consecutive meetings of the Council without the permission of the Council; or
(b) |
is absent out of India for a period exceeding twelve consecutive months; or
(c) |
becomes subject to any of the disqualifications specified in section 5; or
(d) |
ceases to he registered medical practitioner under any Act for the time being in force; the Council shall declare his office as vacant
Provided that no declaration shall be made under this sub-section unless a reasonable opportunity of being heard is given to the member concerned. |
(2) |
Any member aggrieved by a declaration under sub-section (1) may prefer an appeal to the State Government within ninety days from the date of such declaration and the decision of the State Government thereon shall be final.
Filling of casual vacancies. |
9. |
If a nominated or elected member of Council dies or resigns, or for any other cause whatsoever ceases to he a member, the vacancy, shall be filled, as soon as may be, by nomination or election, as the case may be, and the person so nominated or elected shall hold office for the unexpired term of his predecessor.
10. |
(1) |
Hon'ble Minister for Medical Education, Madhya Pradesh, shall be ex-officio President and of the Council
(2) |
Director Medical Education, Madhya Pradesh shall be ex-officio Vice-President of the Council.
(3) |
All President and Vice-President shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by this Act or regulations thereunder.